Interview Transcript (Unedited)

Welcome to the inspiring story of Angel Stubblefield, a remarkable real estate agent whose dedication goes beyond buying and selling homes. Her journey is a testament to professional success intertwined with deep community involvement.

Episode Highlights:

  • Angel’s Real Estate Journey: From starting in April 2022 to becoming a trusted name in Tucson.
  • Choosing Omni: How Omni’s flexible environment supports Angel’s professional and personal life.
  • Candlelighters of Southern Arizona: Angel’s role in organizing events and supporting families.
  • Alex’s Lemonade Stand: Upcoming fundraising event inspired by a young girl’s fight against cancer.
  • Personal Resilience: How Angel’s family’s experiences drive her passion for community involvement.

Mastering Real Estate with Angel Stubblefield

Angel Stubblefield began her real estate career in April 2022 and quickly made a name for herself in Tucson’s competitive market. Known for her unwavering commitment to helping clients find their dream homes, Angel’s exceptional service sets her apart. Working with Omni, she found the perfect balance between professional success and personal fulfillment. “I was fresh out of college, and I knew real estate would be hard work, but I was ready for the challenge,” Angel shared during our conversation. Her drive and determination have helped her build a thriving real estate business in a short period.

A Heart for Community: Angel’s Involvement with Candlelighters

Beyond her real estate accomplishments, Angel is deeply involved with Candlelighters of Southern Arizona, an organization supporting families dealing with pediatric cancer. “The work we do at Candlelighters is close to my heart. It’s about giving families hope and support during the toughest times,” Angel explained. Through her role, she helps organize special events like the Dream Night Prom and provides crucial support to families in need. Inspired by Alex’s Lemonade Stand, Angel is planning a lemonade stand event in June to raise funds for cancer research. “It’s about turning personal grief into positive action,” she noted.

Personal Challenges Fueling Passionate Advocacy

Angel’s commitment to community work is deeply personal. Her daughter has faced three cancer diagnoses since childhood, and Angel has been a steadfast pillar of support. Her connection to Candlelighters is rooted in her own family’s experience, as the organization provided support when her younger brother was diagnosed with cancer. “This journey has taught me resilience and the importance of giving back,” Angel said. Her personal challenges have only strengthened her dedication to helping others navigate similar hardships. “Every year after the block party, seeing the impact we’ve made brings me to tears. It’s a reminder of why I do what I do,” she shared.

Contact Angel Today!

Angel Stubblefield Email: Phone: 520-203-2379

Nominate a Real Estate Community Hero

Do you know a worthy member of the real estate community who should be featured on Housing4Good? Contact Tom Heath to submit your nomination and share their inspiring story with us!

Transcript (Unedited)

Tom Heath

Welcome back to another episode of Housing for Good, where we talk about this intersection of real estate and community involvement. And a lot of these stories, we’ve had agents that have been in the real estate industry for quite a while and moved into some nonprofit adventures here in Tucson. And today we’re doing the opposite. We’ve got someone that’s been heavily involved with specific causes here in Tucson and been licensed for a while, but fairly new into really actively participating. So we’ve got Angel Stubblefield. Welcome. Thank you. So you got licensed originally when? April of 2022. Okay, and then you’ve been really active as of the last year or so, correct? Yeah, well,

Angel Stubblefield

we’ll go with that, the last year. Yeah, unfortunately, about two months after I got my license, my daughter was diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma. So it was her third cancer diagnosis, which is unfortunate, but she’s doing really well. So we’re focusing on that now.

Tom Heath

How old is your daughter?

Angel Stubblefield

She just turned 18 in February.

Tom Heath

And she’s dealing through her third iteration of cancer?

Angel Stubblefield


Tom Heath

And is this, forgive my ignorance, but is it the same cancer, or has it been different types of cancer? How does that?

Angel Stubblefield

No, it’s been, so this last time she’s been diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma, the first two diagnosis she had, it was acute lymphoblastic leukemia T -cell.

Tom Heath

Okay, I don’t know what those words mean, but it sounds extremely serious. How old was she the very first time?

Angel Stubblefield

She was three and a half.

Tom Heath

Oh boy.

Angel Stubblefield


Tom Heath

Yeah, and is she your oldest daughter, your only daughter?

Angel Stubblefield

She’s my oldest. I have four children.

Tom Heath


Angel Stubblefield

Three girls and a boy. So, I keep you busy.

Tom Heath

Oh yeah, I can imagine. So how do you find time for real estate?

Angel Stubblefield

It’s a good question. I fit it in where I can.

Tom Heath

Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. So let’s talk a little bit about the real estate side of things, because I do want to get into your nonprofit work, but I want to make sure people know that you are active and out there in the real estate world. So are you, do you work with buyers, sellers, what do you have like a specific? At the

Angel Stubblefield

moment I am still fairly new, so I am open to whatever business comes my way. I would love to help whoever needs it. And may I ask you a question as to why you

Tom Heath

chose Omni as a place to do business?

Angel Stubblefield

So when I originally got licensed, I did fall into new builds. And honestly, because of my daughter’s diagnosis, I couldn’t afford the time. They expect you to be in the office from relatively business hours, so from 10 to 6. And I just couldn’t afford that time. So I ended up actually talking to a friend of mine. And she works with Omni. Her name’s Nicole Klein. And she was like I think you’d be a good fit here, okay

Tom Heath

I know I like I mean a locally owned company and Calvin case over there’s doing a great job and a good friend of mine Laura does training and development Although I have to say if Laura if you’re watching I don’t ever want to be on your bad side So whatever if Lauren I ever disagree. I’m on her side. Yeah, because she is extremely wonderful person, but I She’s a little feisty, so I know she could yeah If I’m on the other side of that, it can be a little damaging. So as you’re getting into real estate, I think the thing that first caught my attention was that I immediately saw an article in the paper about, I think it was in Biz Tucson, where you had done a fundraiser, helped organize a fundraiser for Candlelighters?

Angel Stubblefield

Yes, Candlelighters of Southern Arizona. It is a wonderful organization that’s run by a woman here locally named Beverly Tidwell. She is an amazing advocate for the families dealing with childhood and pediatric cancer.

Tom Heath

Is it specific to pediatric cancer?

Angel Stubblefield

She does a lot of work with the clinic. The clinic is mostly pediatric oncology patients, but they do also work with different hematological disorders like sickle cell and stuff like that, and she helps those families as well.

Tom Heath

Okay, and what kind of support does Cantiliders provide them?

Angel Stubblefield

They provide a lot of financial support for families. Every year they put on the senior prom for, well, it’s the dream night prom, which is something that when you have a child going through chemotherapy and radiation and stuff, you don’t, they don’t get to experience a whole lot of normal childhood things, and prom’s one of them. Unfortunately, you have to kind of isolate and stay away from the general public, and she does a really, really great thing where she involves not only the patients but also their siblings and they can bring like a friend. This last dream night prom was actually just passed a couple weeks ago and they had it at the Pima Air and Space Museum. Oh nice, what a wonderful venue. Yeah, so she does stuff like that trying to get the families involved. We have a camp that comes up in June every year. Like I said the financial assistance just support groups for not only teens and kids but also for

Tom Heath

families as well. Did she have a child that went through this or how did she

Angel Stubblefield

get involved? Yes, unfortunately her son did pass away. She had a brain tumor and that’s how she got involved and she has been an amazing advocate for everybody

Tom Heath

that she comes across. And you mentioned siblings because that was going to be a question. You have four children and your oldest has been going through these challenges but that takes a lot of time and energy. How does it work with with the other kids?

Angel Stubblefield

It’s, um, it can be challenging sometimes. Unfortunately, I did have to spend a lot of time in the hospital, and they really do try and get, they try and get that support for these kids. It’s, it’s hard. It’s not something that is really an easy thing to go through just in itself, and then when you have children that aren’t affected, well, they are affected by it, but when they’re not sick, it’s, you know, how do you explain that to them? She does also provide, um, candlelighters helps provide like a way to get it out to her to where you can learn how to talk to your kids about it too. Okay. She’s really good.

Tom Heath

That’s a, that was kind of where I was going to see if there was education, if it was event based, but it sounds like it’s the whole gamut. If you’re a family going through this, candlelighters is something that can give you that support in many different areas. Is it a, I know she’s local, but is it a, Is she part of a national organization, or did she just create this herself?

Angel Stubblefield

No, it is a national organization. So I actually encountered candle lighters when I was a kid up in Southern Nevada.

Tom Heath

As a child?

Angel Stubblefield

Yes. My brother had cancer as well.

Tom Heath

So you’re one of the siblings then that experienced this? Yeah. Oh my goodness. So that is just an interesting kind of add -on to the story here. So you grew up, was it an older or younger brother? It was my younger brother. So you grew up with a younger brother, and then candle lighters helped your family Then that was in Nevada though, so when you got here Did you seek out candle lighters, or how did that how did that come? How did you make the connection with candle lighters?

Angel Stubblefield

Um actually here um the social worker at the hospital she Laura Davis with Banner is Hands down one of the best social workers. I’ve ever encountered. She takes care of She takes care of the families in clinic and she really does. She supports them. She makes sure that they have support through either different charities or the candlelighters, really has stepped up and just been amazing towards our

Tom Heath

family. That’s very just interesting that you’re sort of a legacy of this program, not necessarily in a good way, but I mean it’s, you’ve seen it from both sides of it then, as a child and as a parent. Yeah. When you were in Nevada, do you remember some of the things that candlelighters did for you there as a recipient? Because as a sibling, what kind of support you got from them?

Angel Stubblefield

Yeah, so I was in Las Vegas and we were fortunate there that a lot of the casinos really stepped up and made a valiant effort to include us with Halloween, Christmas. We used to have, what was it called? I forgot exactly what it was called, but we would all get on a plane and we’d fly around Vegas and we’d go look for Santa. It was a Christmas thing.

Tom Heath

Oh my gosh.

Angel Stubblefield

Yeah, so.

Tom Heath

You were on the Santa watch. Did you ever find him?

Angel Stubblefield

Um, they said that they spotted him, but I didn’t see it outside the window.

Tom Heath

Okay, it was probably on the other side of the plane.

Angel Stubblefield


Tom Heath

Probably. He’s quick, though. He’s quick, so. Yeah. That was a lot of fun, though. How do people support Candlelighters, then? Is it, if we’re not a casino, is there a way that you can still support?

Angel Stubblefield

Um, well, it is a 501 nonprofit, so you can donate to Candlelighters. Um, they do charity events throughout the year.

Tom Heath

Here in Tucson?

Angel Stubblefield

Yes, here in Tucson. I unfortunately don’t have any of those on my website.

Tom Heath

We can link to the website and I’m assuming Southern Arizona has its own chapter page. You can drill down into those. And then I don’t know if this is connected or not, but we talked briefly and you intrigued me because you were advancing your career and opening up a lemonade stand. Is that? Oh, so it’s another charity. That’s

Angel Stubblefield

also a nationwide charity. It’s called Alex’s Lemonade Stand. And yeah, so in June, I’m going to be holding a lemonade stand. I don’t have the details totally ironed out yet.

Tom Heath

This is separate from candle lighters. Yes. What’s the story behind

Angel Stubblefield

the lemonade stand? So in the early 2000s there was a young woman or young girl, she was a child, she was like I believe four years old, named Alexandra and she was diagnosed with cancer. Unfortunately she has passed away since then, but she wanted to, she wanted to help her doctors and help with the research and furthering, just furthering research and treatment options for kids that are going through cancer. This four -year -old did? This four -year -old did. So she started a lemonade stand and took donations and sold lemonade and then she donated all that money towards her hospital to the doctors so that they could further their research and she passed away when she was eight. When she knew that that time was kind of coming they held their last lemonade stand and she actually raised a million dollars. That’s some good lemonade. That is very inspirational to me so I don’t know if I’ll get to a million dollars but we’ll

Tom Heath

see. Just carrying on her legacy I think is so powerful. Yeah. I’ve seen that in a organizations where the families of those, the young children that pass, or really anyone, a lot of times the families come together and they use that grief to create something very powerful and wonderful to help others. And it sounds like you found two of these organizations here in southern Arizona.

Angel Stubblefield

Yeah, I’m trying to, I’m trying to take the cards that I was dealt and turn it

Tom Heath

into something positive. There’s a very low -hanging fruit of turning lemons in the lemonade but I’m gonna leave that for others because it’s too ominous. So how do people follow you and get involved like when you have more details about the lemonade standard do you have are you on social media or what are ways that people can connect with you?

Angel Stubblefield

Yeah right now I do have um I have a website through my brokerage at Omni it is angelica .viewtotaltucsonhomes .com

Tom Heath

okay that’s okay we’ll put a link on that we’re fancy we’ll put a link on the screen for you.

Angel Stubblefield

I also have a Facebook page, that’s Angel Stubblefields.

Tom Heath

Okay, your personal page?

Angel Stubblefield

Not just personal, I have a business too.

Tom Heath

You’re both under Angel Stubblefields?

Angel Stubblefield


Tom Heath

Okay. So Facebook is probably the best way to sort of keep up with you that way and then in real estate with the website. Okay. Man, so this is exciting. You’re really doing, this is what I really enjoy about doing this type of work is that I get to learn, like this candlelighters has affected your life in so many ways and honestly I’d never heard of it until you mentioned it and then of course I saw the article in the magazine about your fundraiser and I’m just thinking to myself this is just someone who’s just gotten into this career and you know already kind of making a huge impact in Tucson and I get to learn about these events through people like you so I really appreciate all the work that you’re doing I hope others join in and support you and count me in for some lemonade in June and we’ll share that element too when we get more

Angel Stubblefield

information. Thank you so much I appreciate it Tom. Thank you.