The Blueprint to Success: Jennifer Bury’s Innovative Coaching for Real Estate Agents

HomeEpisodesThe Blueprint to Success: Jennifer Bury’s Innovative Coaching for Real Estate Agents

Welcome to another inspiring episode of Housing4Good! In this episode, Tom Heath sits down with the phenomenal Jennifer Bury, a trailblazer in the real estate world who has transformed her personal challenges into a powerful coaching platform for new agents.

Episode Highlights

Jennifer's Transition to Real Estate

  • From teaching special education to real estate to gain flexibility while supporting her family.

Early Success in Real Estate

  • Closing 32 transactions in her first year despite significant personal and professional challenges.

Facing Challenges

  • Overcoming a difficult business partnership and personal struggles.

Support from Jason Mitchell

  • Launching the Tucson branch for Jason Mitchell Group.

Agent Blueprint 101

  • Creating and developing an innovative coaching program to help new agents succeed.

Impact of Agent Blueprint 101

  • Success stories and plans to expand the program nationally.

Philosophy and Approach

  • The importance of discipline, routine, and a client-centric philosophy.

Community Involvement

  • Jennifer's commitment to community service and how her real estate career supports these efforts.

Personal Resilience

  • Jennifer's journey through difficult times and the importance of resilience in her career.

Future Plans

  • Expanding the coaching program to a broader audience and her vision for helping more agents achieve success.

From Classroom to Closing: Jennifer's Transition

Join us in this episode of Housing4Good as Tom Heath interviews Jennifer Bury, a remarkable real estate professional who has turned her personal experiences into an innovative coaching program for new agents. Jennifer’s journey is a testament to resilience and determination. She started her career teaching special education but transitioned to real estate to gain more flexibility for her family. Despite the challenges of being new to the field, Jennifer closed an impressive 32 transactions in her first year.

Navigating Stormy Waters: Overcoming Challenges

Jennifer’s path wasn’t without its hurdles. She faced significant personal and professional challenges, including a tough business partnership and a divorce. Her determination to succeed led her to reach out to Jason Mitchell, who supported her in launching the Tucson branch of his group. This pivotal moment marked a new chapter in her career, setting the stage for her innovative coaching program, Agent Blueprint 101.

Blueprint for New Beginnings: Agent Blueprint 101

Agent Blueprint 101 is Jennifer’s brainchild, designed to help new real estate agents navigate the complexities of the industry. This program provides a solid foundation and practical steps to close deals effectively. Jennifer’s coaching has already helped hundreds of agents build successful careers, and she has big plans to expand it nationally.

Commitment to Excellence: Jennifer’s Philosophy and Community Impact

Throughout the episode, Jennifer shares her disciplined approach and client-centric philosophy, which have been instrumental in her success. Her commitment to community service is unwavering, and she believes in giving back to the community that has supported her. Jennifer’s story is not just about personal success; it’s about creating opportunities for others and making a positive impact in the real estate world.

Unlock Your Potential with Jennifer Bury's Coaching

If you're an aspiring real estate agent looking to fast-track your success, Jennifer Bury’s Agent Blueprint 101 is your ultimate guide. This innovative coaching program offers practical advice, real-world strategies, and personalized support to help you avoid common pitfalls and achieve your career goals. Don’t miss the chance to learn from one of the best in the industry. Contact Jennifer Bury on Facebook today to find out how you can benefit from her expertise.

Questions About Mortgages or Want to Nominate a Real Estate Pro?

Tom Heath is here to assist with all your mortgage-related inquiries. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or looking to refinance, Tom’s expert advice can help you navigate the complexities of mortgages with ease. Additionally, if you know a real estate professional who is making a significant impact in their community, we’d love to hear about them! Contact Tom Heath to discuss mortgage options or to nominate someone for a feature on Housing4Good.

Interview Transcript (Unedited)

Tom Heath
Well, welcome back to another episode of housing for good. And we get to talk about fabulous real estate agents in the Tucson community that are transcending that business and doing things that are beneficial to Tucson and the surrounding areas, as well as helping their fellow agents in some case, which is a lot of what we're going to talk about today, because we've got Jen Berry I'm sorry D Jen.

Tom Heath
So I'm, I'm told by Michael back, I have to say and you're with the Jason Mitchell Group.

Jennifer Bury
I am. Yeah. Absolutely.

Tom Heath
Welcome to housing for good.

Jennifer Bury
Thank you. Thank you for having me.

Tom Heath
Absolutely. The, first question I have is about your time in this industry, because you've been doing this for, how long.

Jennifer Bury
It's been about. I, I always I feel like I've been saying seven years for about seven years. I mean, you know, it's it's. But I would say about 7 to 8 years exact. Yeah.

Tom Heath
And it's, it's it's interesting to me because you just like some people get in this industry and then they sort of find their way. And then some people get in this industry and they just have the way. It's like you just started off just like on fire. Thank you. Yeah. Well, you know, I have to tell me. I don't think that that was all you.

Jennifer Bury
I mean, I just got lucky. It was like, oh.

Tom Heath
Yes, let's all be successful. People I talked to like, yeah, we just got lucky. Just stumbled into a really good work ethic and. And a good attitude and worked hard. But what got you into real estate to begin with? Yeah.

Jennifer Bury
So at the time my husband was deployed and I was teaching special education at Vale Academy. Okay. Just decided I wanted a little more flexibility. Be there for the kids. I thought, you know, just a hobby. If I can go and sell 3 to 4 houses a year, it would just help with our income. And decided I was offered a position at Cienega Cienega High School as a teacher.

Jennifer Bury
There. And I just said, you know, I think I'm gonna do real estate. And so basically, I got into real estate and been here ever since.

Tom Heath
And did you accomplish your goal of selling 3 to 4 houses?

Jennifer Bury
I did actually, I surpassed it. So one of the when I got into it, it was basically like not from Tucson, no family here, no friends. So it was just kids, right? And, you know, my first year in real estate, I closed around 32 transactions. So it was really something that as I started, I just, it became my goal of 3 to 4 a year.

Jennifer Bury
Became almost 3 to 4. Man. Yeah.

Tom Heath
And my goal just the wrong time. Right? Yes. Yeah. and I, I you probably know this now. I haven't been in the industry for seven years, but that is remarkable for a first year person to just jump out of the gate and and do that. And you were on your own. Right? This is just you kind of finding your way through this.

Jennifer Bury
That is correct. Yeah. Just, showing up every day. That was kind of the the thing. I didn't know what I was showing up for, but I showed up in the magic house.

Tom Heath
Oh, see, that's that's the trick that I talked to a lot of people to get into real estate because they want to be. They want to work for themselves, but they forget about the work for themselves part.

Jennifer Bury
Oh, yeah, we have to. We have to do something.

Tom Heath
Did you set, like, a schedule for yourself, or what do you mean by show up?

Jennifer Bury
Yeah, I think, just my time in the military, there was always a schedule. And then I was a mom. I was a stay at home mom for, you know, 14 years. So there was always wake up, you know, feed the kids, go to the gym. There was always a schedule. And so I think that was something that just stuck with me when I got into real estate.

Jennifer Bury
And you know, it was important for me to get up, get the kids to school, go to the office, and, you know, you walk in the door and you're like, okay, I don't know what I'm here for, but I'm here and, just spent the day and you start to learn like, okay, I'm going to do social media, I'm going to plan some open houses, I'm going to go out and hand out business cards.

Jennifer Bury
And I that's one of the things I always say now is that if you just show up, the magic happens. So yeah.

Tom Heath
And then you this is we talked about this when, when we first met, you kind of went different paths than others because you started on your own and felt I might need the support of a team. Right. Then you got into a team environment.

Jennifer Bury
Correct? Yes. That was very much the case. I was just busy. Right. I'm doing all these this business and I had really I'm learning the business, doing the business and, someone at, at, the brokerage was like, don't join a team, don't do anything, don't join any team. So I don't listen very well. And so I go out and I join a team.

Jennifer Bury
And then I quickly realized that what I needed truly was just a transaction coordinator. That was what I was missing. The missing piece. And, you know, so it was just a matter of trying to figure out, like every day I showed up to that team, I realized there were things that I loved about it, and there were things that I really just liked about it.

Jennifer Bury
And so taking that and then just, you know, basically that separation and moving on into my, my next step.

Tom Heath
And the next step was that then where you are now? So, Jason.

Jennifer Bury
so we actually I separated from the team, moved over with Rene Wilson, had a business partner at the time, and then we just actually launched my home group, the brokerage in Tucson built that up, grew the team, and then I one day sitting in the back of church, just decided, you know, like, why is there this revolving door of agents and, and off of a team?

Jennifer Bury
And, created my coaching and training program? I didn't need a team, but I thought I needed a team. So it was super important for me to just say, how do we prevent agents in the future from some, I don't want to say making a mistake because I don't believe in that. But, just giving them the skill to be able to make that decision.

Jennifer Bury
teaching them is a brand new agent out of school, the basic foundation, so they can go out and produce at a high level versus feeling like they have to join a team and give up commissions and their time when it's really not what they're looking to do.

Tom Heath
And some people might need to join the team. But absolutely, someone in your situation and you had this someone ahead of you doing this coaching you probably would have recognized earlier on the path that you needed to take.

Jennifer Bury
Possibly. Yeah, I think I mean, the the beautiful course.

Tom Heath
You want to listen to that person's.

Jennifer Bury
So of course exactly opposite. I do the opposite. But I would say that joining that team really showed me everything that I, that I, that I loved about it and what I didn't like about it and just what agents were missing as they came out of school, out of real estate school.

Tom Heath
So and then eventually you got to the Jason Mitchell Group, which is, at least from my perspective, is not as large of a name here in Tucson as some of the other brokerages. but what what drew you to them?

Jennifer Bury
So actually, Jason was a silent partner at my home group, and when I went through, I don't know how much we want to know here, but I can go into a little bit of detail.

Tom Heath
What what do you think? What do you think? Audience tell. Yes.

Jennifer Bury
Let's go. Let's get whatever.

Tom Heath
You're whatever you're comfortable.

Jennifer Bury
Oh, let's get dirty. I went through a personal divorce my second year in real estate. And then I went through a business divorce, I would say probably my second year in real estate. Almost into my third. And there was a partnership that Jason had offered my old business partner and I, and I really it was like a hands off for me.

Jennifer Bury
And so when I went through that business divorce, my personal divorce, I essentially was living in a listing on a couch that I got off of Craigslist for $100. I had permission to make changes. Yes.

Tom Heath
I made it. A portion of the shoes.

Jennifer Bury
Cameras were in it. Yeah, I was a squatter in my own.

Tom Heath
I had permission from it.

Jennifer Bury
Okay. Yes. The deal was I could live there whether their plans. And, as I started to stage the property, I actually sold it. So that was kind of, you know, it was right around the holidays. I really had nothing. there was a point when I essentially couldn't even afford a turkey or Thanksgiving for my kids. And so, I went into my divorce attorney and I just said, you know what?

Jennifer Bury
What can I get? And he's like, well, let me see what I can do. It's a couple hundred dollars a month. That wasn't a lot. And, so from November to February, I went back in February and he's like, if you don't slow down with your sales, you're going to have to pay him spousal maintenance. And I was like, let's do it.

Jennifer Bury
Like, it wasn't about that. I just it was always just putting in that effort and working really hard. So that was what I was going through personally. And then in the business side, going through that business divorce was I really had nothing like I didn't really have much personally. I didn't have anything in my business. And because of that relationship with Jason Mitchell, he had sent referrals to Tucson and that fizzled.

Jennifer Bury
And I didn't really know why because I wasn't I wasn't hands on there, but, I was trying to find ways to survive. And so I just sent Jason a message. I was like, hey, this is Jennifer here in Tucson. I don't know if you know who I am, but if you have anything for us in Tucson, I would love the opportunity because I'm trying to keep my team alive.

Jennifer Bury
And he's like, I know who you are. I want to meet with you. And so I drove up to Phoenix, met with Jason, and he's like, what do you think about launching James Tucson? And I was like, well, I mean, I'm trying to be all cool. I'm like, yeah, I mean, you know, like, I guess I, I guess I could and you know, he's like, think about it.

Jennifer Bury
You know, give yourself a couple days to think about it. And my good friend Renee Wilson, who's still with me today, we walk outside and she just starts bawling and she's just like she because knowing what I had been through and just the opportunity and so pretty much every agent that was with me then moved over with me to Jason Mitchell and then we branched off into our own brokerage.

Jennifer Bury
So, stepping down from my home group into the Jason Mitchell Group, and now we are, you know, basically in, all throughout the United States, we ranked number one in business throughout the United States with about 800 agents throughout. So. And growing. Yeah. Yep.

Tom Heath
Holy smokes. Yeah. I did not know that until I met you. I don't think I had met someone from from the brokerage. Yeah. And then I did all your search after I met you. Yeah. And, and saw what they're doing. And first of all, just so you know, nothing you said ties into what you originally stated, which is you were lucky.

Tom Heath
Nothing you said ties into that. You were. You hustled, you showed up, you asked, you reached out, you did what you need to do. And then this is the part that I find fascinating because you're still, I mean, even seven years, it's fairly young into a career, but two years into it to come up with this idea of helping others achieve what you've achieved and recognizing that you have a path that might enlighten others a little bit differently than the traditional path.

Tom Heath
That to me is just amazing to have that vision at that point in your career. So you're sitting back at church, you get this idea. And yeah, and now in addition to the real estate, you're, you know, the coaching business, correct?

Jennifer Bury
Yes. Yep. I yeah. That day in church again I'm ADHD is at its finest, right. The highest level. And I immediately went to the office, I drew it out on the whiteboard and I was like, okay, what is an agent need to know to efficiently, effectively grow their business and to help a client through the process? So I built out the the cycle of a buyer.

Jennifer Bury
I built up the cycle of the seller, the platforms just exactly from step to step, what they need to know. And so yeah, I created that program. I used it at my home group. So we essentially helped grow that brokerage and then get these agents into production using that. And then, thankfully, Jason allowed me to bring it over to the Jason Mitchell group, and I've coached, gosh, I don't know, probably 400 agents within our brokerage.

Jennifer Bury
I would say 400, and that might be excessive. But, you know, guy numbers there. So we'll bring down, let's just say 200, right. fucking numbers. I know you guys exaggerate a little. Oh, okay. I might exaggerate.

Tom Heath
4200, but.

Jennifer Bury
Or whatever. Same thing.

Tom Heath
A significant amount though.

Jennifer Bury
Yes, quite a few.

Tom Heath
Even a 200. That's a significant amount of people that you've. Yeah. You've had been contact.

Jennifer Bury
Yeah. And really it's just it's one of, it's just a passion for me to take a brand new agent and get them into production and watch them, just teach them that process. So and then just watch them shine.

Tom Heath
And this is gone. Be on your brokerage though, right? I mean, you're doing this across the country for people that aren't.

Jennifer Bury
We are getting ready to launch it out okay. The brokers. So we're not quite there yet. We're working on it by.

Tom Heath
Letting anything out of the bag. Okay.

Jennifer Bury
Oh, no. No, I just need more time. I'm just we're working on the platform, and that is the goal is to really push it outside of the brokerage. but at this point, it's just it's just internal. only because I just haven't done it yet.

Tom Heath
But I in this business, there are so many things that are consistent, and we've all kind of gone through them. And I really like it when someone takes a moment to to sit back and say, well, how did the steps are probably a whole lot different for you than another agent, but the way that you've put them together, the tools and the support are very unique to you.

Tom Heath
And I would imagine if someone is resonates with that, then they just they buy into it and it really just accelerates their launch.

Jennifer Bury
Yeah, that's I mean that's the goal. It's that really on them to take it and put it there.

Tom Heath
To show up.

Jennifer Bury
Yep. They have to show up for sure. And yeah, it's the most probably rewarding part is to watch those agents that take it and actually utilize it. And, you know, you're not going to learn everything. You go to school as a brand new agent. You walk out, you pass the test, and then you walk into the doors of a brokerage and you're, you know, you've got the lady at the office that serves the coffee or says, good morning.

Jennifer Bury
And then you've got all the teams that sit in their individual cubicles and you're just trying to find your way, and you sign up for this course and you sign up for this course, and that's great. It's all very helpful. But you spend time, energy, money trying to figure out your way versus just knowing exactly what it is the next step.

Jennifer Bury
What do I need to do to get from here to here? And it's all about closing deals. You don't come into real estate to sign up for courses, to learn how to do marketing, and to do all these things. It's a part of it. But how do when we get a client, we take that client from the beginning of the process and I work in circles, everything's a circle.

Jennifer Bury
So you start at the top and you just go step by step. And when you're through, you've just sold a house. Now you've sold a house. You have a happy client. So that's what we teach the agents or that's what I teach the agents. And I teach my process and I mean, there's a lot of very talented realtors out there.

Jennifer Bury
and I, I would say that what I do is not. It's a circle. It's a basic circle. It's a basic education. And I teach the client the process. And then we go through the process and we close the deal. And that allows me to close between 80 to 90 houses a year as an individual agent.

Tom Heath
And that's remarkable doing that, that type of transaction volume on your own and helping and coaching others. those are really strong, strong, prolific numbers.

Jennifer Bury
Thank you.

Tom Heath
The and the idea of of in this military background, I think it comes through like that's something that's it's hard to replicate that. But that's been really ingrained in you and, and is this discipline to go through these steps and to show up, you know, because I know a lot of new agents get in this business and they get lost in the how to's in the marketing, and they get lost in the, oh, I got to do this on TikTok, and I have to take this class and I have to take these, which at some point they probably do, but that becomes their job versus incorporating that into how do they serve their clients best.

Jennifer Bury
Right. Yeah. You just need a client. How do we get that client in front of them as soon as possible? And then when they get it, they need to know how to work because yeah.

Tom Heath
Once the circle is complete, now that client is on to something else and maybe their second home or their referral or their investment property.

Jennifer Bury
And you got money in the bank and that that's that helps pay for more classes and more marketing and other things. So it's always beneficial.

Tom Heath
This is one of those professions that I think if you make money, it's it's it's a, it's a good thing. Yeah. But it's easy to get started and spend the money without making.

Jennifer Bury
Them for sure.

Tom Heath
Yeah. How do people get a hold of you for if they're interested in you from a, from a client's perspective, I'm assuming you're still taking your clients even though you're pretty busy.

Jennifer Bury
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. On the coaching side,

Tom Heath
Either way, if you're a client that if you're someone who wants to help a buy or sell a house, or if you're an agent that's getting those business that wants to learn the. Do you have a name for your coaching platform?

Jennifer Bury
It's Agent Blueprint 101. So.

Tom Heath
Oh wow. That's yeah pretty pretty straightforward Co agent blueprint 101. Yeah. And currently available just through your brokerage but but soon.

Jennifer Bury
Yes we we actually have a website. So Agent blueprint and then myself you know I can be contacted. I have Jennifer berry is my website of course my phone number which is (520) 539-3804. but that's you know, you can contact me. I'm on social media. I have basic YouTube. We're working on it. We're working on it.

Jennifer Bury
But yeah.

Tom Heath
Welcome to the club. That's what we're doing here.

Jennifer Bury
Yeah, absolutely.

Tom Heath
Well thank you. Well, Jennifer Berry with one arc because I've made that mistake. B u r y.

Jennifer Bury
U r y. Yes.

Tom Heath
Thank you for joining us. Housing for good. It's available on our website, housing for And we also have the, audio version available on a podcast through Spotify, other platforms. by seeking.

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